If you use Microsip, this tool will help you check prices with a phone or tablet by scanning a barcode or searching for the item. Very easy to use. Includes an option for quick sale.You can also place sales orders and settle the sale at the checkout.- You can select the price list to display- Local warehouse can be selected to display stock and additional warehouses to display stock- You can select the client from whom you will take prices and discounts- Search for articles by key or name- If you dont know the password or name, you have a search engine to search for the item- Registration of articles with basic data. Contains help to search for the item name based on the product barcode.- Price change. You can change the price of the item.- Shopping cart. You can add items and at the end make a sales order that you can settle at the counter.- Label printing with name, price and barcode using a thermal printer with Bluetooth connectionIf you require help you can send an email for more information.If you need to connect it to your company, ask our consultants for help.